Pastor Shawn Moses
Pastor Shawn Moses is no doubt one of the Gods Pastors. Filled with the Love of God and Armed with the Word of God, this visionary is determined to make a mark for the Kingdom of God where ever he goes. He has an overwhelming anointing on his life to meet people where they are—whether they know Jesus or not, rich or poor, young or seasoned, educated or uneducated, businessman or ex-con, Pastor Shawn is called to minister to people from all walks of life leaving them with a hope and confidence. He has this Supernatural, innate ability to see who a person is and not so much what they’re doing.
The scope of Pastor Shawn’s career stretches beyond his pastoral call and is known for his influence and uncompromising integrity. He is truly a trailblazer and trendsetter, not only in challenging religious routines but also by focusing on “Ministry on Another Level for the Kingdom of God”, with a relevant approach. He is truly paving the way for others to come out of traditional thinking through his bold and confident, yet without arrogant delivery of the Word of God and willingness to talk about “the tough subjects”.
He is no doubt one of the most humble and compassionate men you will ever meet. He is motivated by the love he has for God and is driven by his passion to serve and pour into the lives of others. Pastor Moses continues to make extraordinary strides in ministry and business by doing for others and giving out of his years of experiences to see to it that others as well succeed in life. He is well-respected among his peers and congregation for his commitment to righteousness and holiness, and will continue to establish himself as one of the most caring and influential leaders in the community.
He is the Founder and Senior Pastor of “TRUE VICTORY” CHURCH, and a native of Chicago, Illinois. He attended Middle Tennessee State University where he majored in Business Administration and afterward attended The Barber Academy and went on to open a Salon and Barbershop which became the largest Hair Care Business in the city with twenty workers. He often mentions how he started his pastoral training and church management during his twelve years in business. In 1998, Pastor Moses accepted his calling as a Preacher of the Gospel, Licensed in 1999 and Ordained in 2002.
The Lord laid the call of necessity at his feet to plant a local Church that will Love God, Hate Sin and Love to Give, a place where you can come as you are, but you wont stay as you are. On January 20, 2002 “TRUE VICTORY” CHURCH was birthed. Pastor Moses is committed to reaching-out to all, with an over whelming burden for the Male Seed (men and boys).
Pastor is a True Family Man, believes in spending time with his lovely wife Kita known by the True Victory family as “Lady Kita” and their three sons, Jermaine, Jordon and Joshua.
Hobbies include, but not limited to: Reading, Cutting hair, Working-Out and Playing Basketball...
Lady Kita Moses
Kita Moses, affectionately referred to as “Lady Kita,” is a native of Columbia, TN., the wife of Pastor Shawn Moses, and the First Lady of “TRUE VICTORY”. A Christian woman of virtue, dignity, and grace, Lady Kita is known for her Confidence, strait-forwardness, unconditional yet tuff love and wisdom, which she wholeheartedly and enthusiastically pours into the lives of all “LIFE GIVERS”.
Lady Kita has a passion to help hurting women reach spiritual and emotional wholeness. One of her primary goals is to help women discover their God-given purpose with a four fold Objective that teaches them, based upon the Word of God how to: Know Self, Accept Self, Develop Self and Give Self.
Both in word and deed, she encourages women to be naturally and spiritually healthy. Lady Kita is a woman of true character, and she handles her obligation and role to serve in ministry alongside her husband with Spiritual discernment, superb devotion and endless commitment. She is the model First Lady and takes her responsibilities as a wife, mother, and help mate seriously. She is an involved mother of three wonderful boys Jermaine, Jordon and Joshua.